Roles and Permissions

We have many users creating, editing, and publishing content on the NSF website. Rather than assigning individual permissions to each user, permissions are assigned to roles, and roles are then assigned to users. 

We use four key roles:

  • Content author: can create and edit own content which must then be submitted to an editor for review or a publisher for publishing. Authors can delete content on pages they create but can't delete any page.
  • Content editor: has ability to edit certain pages and content types, but restricted from managing global content, like the Header and Footer, or from making advanced configurations. Editors also have option to delete content they created. Removing an image or media from a page or component does not delete it from the CMS.
  • Content publisher: has ability to edit and publish certain pages and content types, but restricted from managing global content, like the Header and Footer, or from making advanced configurations. Publishers also can delete content. Removing an image or media from a page or component does not delete it from the CMS.
  • Content admin: has ability to edit and publish any page and content type. Admins are allowed to manage global content, like the Header and Footer, and making advanced configurations. Admins can delete any content. Removing an image or media from a page or component does not delete it from the CMS.

Note: If you delete a page that deletion is permanent, but your images and media remain in the system.