Related Links with Files

The Related links with files component includes a heading and a list on a light gray background. The list can include links, files, or a combination of both.

External links are automatically styled to include an icon that lets users know they will be leaving the NSF website when they click on the link. There is no limit on the number of links and files you can add to your list.

When to use the Related links with files component 

  • If you want to call attention to two or more links or resources, and can summarize each item in approximately one line of text. 

When to consider something else

  • If you have a small number of important actions you want to call attention to, especially if you are using an image or button to call attention to an action. Consider instead using the CTA component, Featured file component, or even dedicate a whole section of your page to calling attention to the important action. 

Important note: When using this component, be sure to use "Related Links with Files" component (even if you are only adding links, and no files), because the legacy "Related Links" component will soon be retired.