Advisory Committees

The U.S. National Science Foundation relies on the judgement of external experts to provide advice and recommendations on its programs.

NSF's advisory committees advise the foundation on issues such as:

  • How to maintain high standards of program support for research, education and infrastructure.
  • Policy deliberations, program development and management.
  • Identifying disciplinary needs and areas of opportunities.
  • Promoting openness to the research and education community served by the foundation.

Directorate and office advisory committees

Each of NSF's directorates and offices has an external advisory committee that typically meets twice a year to review and advise on its programs. Several additional committees advise on specific topics, such as equal opportunities in science and engineering and business and operations.

Committees of visitors

NSF's committees of visitors assess the quality and integrity of the foundation's program operations and program-level technical and managerial matters pertaining to proposal decisions. These reviews are conducted at regular intervals, approximately every four years.